

Godhanpara prayer times

যা পাবেন_180 up শায়খ ভিত্তিক অডিও,বিশয় ভিত্তিক অডিও 350 এর কাছা কাছি।পিসটিভি লেকচার 100 এছাড়াও ডিজিটাল হাদিস,অডিও কুরআন,অডিও গজল ইত্যাদি।।

Complete Quran Recitation by Ali Al-Hudhaify

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Quran Recitation by Al-Juhanyঅডিও কুরআন 

  • Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim.
  • The FreeQuranMP3.com crew humbly seeks the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala by providing you with the complete Quran recitation by Sheikh Abdullah Awwad Al-Juhany.
  • Download, listen and share with others, insha'Allah.
  • Quran Mp3 files
              MP3 FILES
  1. 925.0K Al-Fatihah download
  2. 112.0M Al-Baqarah download
  3. 66.6M Al-Imran download
  4. 64.7M An-Nisa 'download
  5. 50.1M Al-Ma'idah download
  6. 54.6M Al-An'am download
  7. 61.6M Al-A'raf download
  8. 23.6M Al-Anfal download
  9. 46.0M At-Taubah download
  10. 33.9M Yunus download
  11. 34.6M Hood download
  12. 32.0M Yusuf download
  13. 15.7M Ar-Ra'd download
  14. 15.8M Ibrahim download
  15. 14.2M Al-Hijr download
  16. 35.9M An-Nahl download
  17. 26.4M Al-Isra download
  18. 27.3M Al-Kahf download
  19. 16.5M Maryam download
  20. 21.8M TaHa download
  21. 23.1M Al-Anbiya 'download
  22. 24.0M Al-Hajj download
  23. 21.9M Al-Mu'minun download
  24. 26.1M An-Nur download
  25. 15.5M Al-Furqan download
  26. 28.6M Ash-Shu'ara 'download
  27. 23.0M An-Naml download
  28. 27.1M Al-Qasas download
  29. 19.9M Al-'Ankabut download
  30. 16.3M ArRoom download
  31. 10.4M Luqman download
  32. 7.1M AsSajdah download
  33. 24.7M AlAhzab download
  34. 16.3M Saba 'download
  35. 15.0M Fatir download
  36. 14.6M YaSin download
  37. 20.8M As-Saffat download
  38. 14.6M Sad download
  39. 22.0M Az-Zumar download
  40. 23.0M Ghafir download
  41. 15.6M Fussilat download
  42. 16.4M Ash-Shura download
  43. 18.0M Az-Zukhruf download
  44. 7.7M Ad-Dukhan download
  45. 9.7M Al-Jathiya download
  46. 11.9M Al-Ahqaf download
  47. 9.9M Muhammad download
  48. 10.2M Al-Fath download
  49. 7.1M Al-Hujurat download
  50. 7.0M Qaf download
  51. 7.3M Az-Zariyat download
  52. 6.6M At-Tur download
  53. 6.6M An-Najm download
  54. 6.4M Al-Qamar download
  55. 9.7M Ar-Rahman download
  56. 9.4M Al-Waqi'ah download
  57. 10.4M Al-Hadid download
  58. 9.0M Al-Mujadilah download
  59. 8.6M Al-Hashr download
  60. 6.9M Al-Mumtahinah download
  61. 4.3M As-Saff download
  62. 3.3M Al-Jumu'ah download
  63. 3.6M Al-Munafiqun download
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  107. 711.5K Al-Ma'un download
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  111. 480.1K Al-Masad download
  112. 298.8K Al-Ikhlas download
  113. 459.3K Al-Falaq download
  114. 653.1K An-Nas
Sheikh Abdullah Awwad Al-Juhany's FULL / COMPLETE Quran recitation, in a zipped folder consisting of 114 surah mp3 files, can be downloaded-  HERE  (1.2GB).

            The individual surah files are below:
  1. Surah 001 -  Al-Fatiha  (The Opening)
  2. Surah 002 -  Al-Baqarah  (The Cow)
  3. Surah 003 -  Al-'Imran  (The Family of Imran)
  4. Surah 004 -  An-Nisa '  (The Women)
  5. Surah 005 -  Al-Ma'idah  (The Table spread with Food)
  6. Surah 006 -  Al-An'am  (The Cattle)
  7. Surah 007 -  Al-A'raf  (The Heights)
  8. Surah 008 -  Al-Anfal  (The Spoils of War)
  9. Surah 009 -  At-Taubah  (The Repentance)
  10. Surah 010 -  Yunus  (Jonah)
  11. Surah 011 -  Hud
  12. Surah 012 -  Yusuf  (Joseph)
  13. Surah 013 -  Ar-Ra'd  (The Thunder)
  14. Surah 014 -  Ibrahim  (Abraham)
  15. Surah  Al-Hijr  (The Rocky Tract)
  16. Surah  An-Nahl  (The Bees)
  17. Surah 017 -  Al-Isra '  (The Journey by Night)
  18. Surah 018 -  Al-Kahf  (The Cave)
  19. Surah 019 -  Maryam  (Mary)
  20. Surah 020 -  Ta-Ha
  21. Surah  Al-Anbiya '  (The Prophets)
  22. Surah 022 -  Al-Hajj  (The Pilgrimage)
  23. Surah  Al-Mu'minun  (The Believers)
  24. Surah 024 -  An-Nur  (The Light)
  25. Surah  Al-Furqan  (The Criterion)
  26. Surah 026 -  Ash-Shu'ara '  (The Poets)
  27. Surah 027 -  An-Naml  (The Ants)
  28. Surah 028 -  Al-Qasas  (The Narration)
  29. Surah 029 -  Al-'Ankabut  (The Spider)
  30. Surah 030 -  Ar-Rum  (The Romans)
  31. Surah 031 -  Luqman
  32. Surah 032 -  As-Sajdah  (The Prostration)
  33. Surah 033 -  Al-Ahzab  (The Confederates)
  34. Surah 034 -  Saba '  (Sheba)
  35. Surah 035 -  Fatir  (The Originator of Creation)
  36. Surah 036 -  Ya-Sin
  37. Surah 037 -  As-Saffat  (Those Ranged in Ranks)
  38. Surah 038 -  Sad
  39. Surah  Az-Zumar  (The Groups)
  40. Surah 040 -  Ghafir  (The Forgiver)
  41. Surah 041 -  Fussilat  (They are explained in detail)
  42. Surah 042 -  Ash-Shura  (The Consultation)
  43. Surah  Az-Zukhruf  (The Gold Adornments)
  44. Surah 044 -  Ad-Dukhan  (The Smoke)
  45. Surah  Al-Jathiyah  (The Kneeling)
  46. Surah 046 -  Al-Ahqaf  (The Curved Sand-hills)
  47. Surah 047 -  Muhammad
  48. Surah 048 -  Al-Fath  (The Victory)
  49. Surah  Al-Hujurat  (The Dwellings)
  50. Surah 050 -  Qaf
  51. Surah 051 -  Adh-Dhariyat  (The Winds that Scatter)
  52. Surah 052 -  At-Tur  (The Mount)
  53. Surah 053 -  An-Najm  (The Star)
  54. Surah 054 -  Al-Qamar  (The Moon)
  55. Surah 055 -  Ar-Rahman  (The Most Gracious)
  56. Surah  Al-Waqi'ah  (The Event)
  57. Surah 057 -  Al-Hadid  (The Iron)
  58. Surah 058 -  Al-Mujadilah  (The Woman who disputes)
  59. Surah  Al-Hashr  (The Gathering)
  60. Surah 060 -  Al-Mumtahanah  (The Woman to be examined)
  61. Surah 061 -  As-Saff  (The Row)
  62. Surah 062 -  Al-Jumu'ah  (Friday)
  63. Surah 063 -  Al-Munafiqun  (The Hypocrites)
  64. Surah  At-Taghabun  (Mutual Loss and Gain)
  65. Surah 065 -  At-Talaq  (The Divorce)
  66. Surah 066 -  At-Tahrim  (The Prohibition)
  67. Surah 067 -  Al-Mulk  (Dominion)
  68. Surah  Al-Qalam  (The Pen)
  69. Surah 069 -  Al-Haqqah  (The Inevitable)
  70. Surah 070 -  Al-Ma'arij  (The Ways of Ascent)
  71. Surah 071 -  Nuh  (Noah)
  72. Surah 072 -  Al-Jinn  (The Jinn)
  73. Surah 073 -  Al-Muzammil  (The One wrapped in Garments)
  74. Surah 074 -  Al-Muddaththir  (The One Enveloped)
  75. Surah  Al-Qiyamah  (The Resurrection)
  76. Surah 076 -  Al-Insan  (Man)
  77. Surah 077 -  Al-Mursalat  (Those sent forth)
  78. Surah 078 -  An-Naba '  (The Great News)
  79. Surah 079 -  An-Nazi'at  (Those Who Pull Out)
  80. Surah 080 -  'Abasa  (He Frowned )
  81. Surah 081 -  At-Takwir  (Winding Round And Losing Its Light)
  82. Surah 082 -  Al-Infitar  (The Cleaving)
  83. Surah 083 -  Al-Mutaffifin  (Those Who Deal In Fraud)
  84. Surah 084 -  Al-Inshiqaq  (The Splitting Asunder)
  85. Surah 085 -  Al-Buruj  (The Big Stars)
  86. Surah  At-Tariq  (The Night Comer)
  87. Surah 087 -  Al-A'la  (The Most High)
  88. Surah 088 -  Al-Ghashiyah  (The Overwhelming)
  89. Surah 089 -  Al-Fajr  (The Break of Day)
  90. Surah 090 -  Al-Balad  (The City)
  91. Surah 091 -  Ash-Shams  (The Sun)
  92. Surah  Al-Lail  (The Night)
  93. Surah 093 -  Ad-Duha  (The Forenoon - After Sunrise)
  94. Surah 094 -  Ash-Sharh  (The Opening Forth)
  95. Surah 095 -  At-Tin  (The Fig)
  96. Surah 096 -  Al-'Alaq  (The Clot)
  97. Surah 097 -  Al-Qadr  (The Night of Decree)
  98. Surah 098 -  Al-Baiyyinah  (The Clear Evidence)
  99. Surah  Az-Zalzalah  (The Earthquake)
  100. Surah 100 -  Al-'Adiyat  (Those That Run)
  101. Surah 101 -  Al-Qari'ah  (The Striking Hour)
  102. Surah 102 -  At-Takathur  (The Piling Up - The Emulous Desire)
  103. Surah 103 -  Al-'Asr  (The Time)
  104. Surah 104 -  Al-Humazah  (The Slanderer)
  105. Surah 105 -  Al-Fil  (The Elephant)
  106. Surah 106 -  Quraish
  107. Surah 107 -  Al-Ma'un  (The Small Kindness)
  108. Surah 108 -  Al-Kauthar  (A River In Paradise)
  109. Surah 109 -  Al-Kafirun  (The Disbelievers)
  110. Surah 110 -  An-Nasr  (The Help)
  111. Surah 111 -  Al-Masad  (The Palm Fiber)
  112. 112 -  Al-Ikhlas  (The Purity)
  113. Surah 113 -  Al-Falaq  (The Daybreak)
  114. Surah 114 -  An-Nas  (Mankind)


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